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"Over the years I have spoken a lot about the self-healing process. One of the most important things that a person can do is invest in their own personal healing. The greatest healer of


self is the self. I had a very traumatizing childhood. I did not have someone to help me or to guide me through my healing process so I had to take on the personal responsibility necessary to heal from my childhood trauma. The most important thing that I have done for myself in my life was to commit to my healing process. What happened for me was that the more I committed myself to my healing process the more I learned about the healing process. The beautiful thing is that as you engage in the healing process the answers will come to you.  you. You will provide yourself with the appropriate guidance. Sometimes the guidance will be subtle at other time the guidance will be obvious. One of the things that I have learned in my healing process is to create separation between my childhood trauma and my current adult experience. When this separation is created a person can reflect upon their childhood trauma and engage in an intellectual process of healing without experiencing the emotional pain associated with the trauma."   Information provided from the description of this video is on YouTube.

Dr. Lissa Rankin believes so strongly in the power of mind over medicine that she left traditional medicine to explore the burgeoning field of self-healing. Follow her advice and start your own journey to self-healing by asking yourself, "what does my body really need?" Information provided from the description of this video is on YouTube.


Healing yourself with your thoughts


"Watch this mind-blowing video revealing hidden truths about how you can heal your body of Cancer, Breast Cancer, Impotence, Migraines, Prostate Cancer, Brain Tumors, Crohn's Disease, Arthritis and more. No longer be helpless as your body succumbs to severe pain or disease. No longer be helpless watching a loved one succumb to a severe illness, Learn the truth about how easy it is for us all to heal even the most deadly of diseases. You can't afford not to watch this! Your life may depend on it!Information provided from the description of this video is on YouTube.

HOW TO HEAL YOURSELF - Paul Mckenna | London Real

"This book by Andreas Moritz provides scientific evidence that sunlight is essential for good health, and that a lack of sun exposure can be held responsible for many of today's diseases. On the other hand, most people now believe that the sun is the main culprit for causing skin cancer, certain cataracts leading to blindness, and aging. Only those who take the risk of exposing themselves to the sunlight, find that the sun makes them feel and look better, provided they don't use sunscreens or burn their skin. The UV-rays in sunlight actually stimulates the thyroid gland to increase hormone production, which in turn increases the body's basal metabolic rate. This assists both in weight loss and improved muscle development.Information provided from the description of this video is on YouTube.

"In this video, I'll be sharing with you the most powerful technique for healing yourself. now for me, this was a game-changer. This is something that when I first learned a lot of the things that I share in my videos, this kind of happened naturally. It was almost like I didn't really have to think so much about it. It was just I naturally felt inclined to do certain things.Information provided from the description of this video is on YouTube.

"What if someone you love is struggling with a major problem and you don't know how to help them? In this inspiring and fascinating talk, Dr. Clint Rogers begins by asking "What is Wisdom?" To help answer that question, Clint shares 3 remarkable experiences he had with Dr. Pankaj Naram, a master healer from an ancient Himalayan tradition, reveals limitless benefits and possibilities from 6 instruments outlined in the ancient science of Siddha-Veda and ends with 3 questions which could change your life forever. Clint Rogers, Ph.D., is CEO of the organization called Wisdom of the World - looking for the best things that exist on the planet and how more people can benefit from them.Information provided from the description of this video is on YouTube.

"How to Heal YourselfInformation provided from the description of this video is on YouTube.

"Dr. Cafazzo is a biomedical engineer who has spent his entire career in a hospital setting. By observing healthcare delivery from the inside, he works on ways to keep people out of hospital by creating technologies that allow for self-care at home. At the same time, Joe and his team are the biggest critics of poorly designed health technologies and their ineffectiveness. He surrounds himself with whip-smart, and passionate engineers and designers who are creating technologies that are spirited, modern, people-focused, and hopefully, suck less.Information provided from the description of this video is on YouTube.

"What if I told you, that you hold the power with your breath and mind-body connection to transform your health and life forever?Information provided from the description of this video is on YouTube.

"Dr. Joe Joe Dispenza, D.C. is an international lecturer, researcher, corporate consultant, author, and educator who has been invited to speak in more than 32 countries on five continents. As a lecturer and educator, he is driven by the conviction that each of us has the potential for greatness and unlimited abilities. In his easy-to-understand, encouraging, and compassionate style, he has educated thousands of people, detailing how they can rewire their brains and recondition their bodies to make lasting changes.Information provided from the description of this video is on YouTube.

"New age gurus suggest that we can heal ourselves by simply changing our minds, but is this concept grounded in cold, hard science? Lissa Rankin, MD explores the scientific literature, reviewing case studies of spontaneous remission, as well as placebo and nocebo effect data, to prove that our thoughts powerfully affect our physiology when we believe we can get well.Information provided from the description of this video is on YouTube.

"You can talk to your body and heal yourself. You have a great intelligence in your corporeal body call your Innate that governs your cells and exists within your DNA. It is waiting for you to give it instructions. In this video, I share with you how to instruct your body to heal itself.Information provided from the description of this video is on YouTube.

"Surviving an accident was the easy part; coping with the chronic pain would prove more difficult. Danna Pycher shares her story about trauma and the transformative insight she gained that allowed her to harness the healing power of the subconscious mind. Danna Pycher is a certified Neuro-Linguistic Hypnotherapist specializing in chronic illness and trauma. She is also a motivational speaker and coach. Her first book 3rd Generation and Beyond is a beautiful, powerful book of life philosophies according to a third generation Holocaust descendant. " A must read for the young and old who are trying to find an identity or just need a reminder on how to appreciate the little things in life." She enjoyed many years in broadcasting as an on-camera host,

reporter, and producer working in the fields of health reporting and corporate productions. Her curiosity about the nature of human beings is what guides her professional pursuits.Information provided from the description of this video is on YouTube.Information provided from the description of this video is on YouTube.

"While some mind-body medicine pioneers and New Age teachers talk about how we can heal ourselves, Dr. Lissa Rankin was a skeptical physician, trained in evidence-based academic medicine and raised by a closed-minded physician father. But after witnessing patients who declined conventional medical treatment, only to experience spontaneous remissions from seemingly 'incurable.' illnesses, she couldn't deny the possibility that patients might hold within them the power to heal themselves. Her curiosity led her to dig deep into the medical literature to scientifically prove that the mind can heal the body."  Information provided from the description of this video is on YouTube.

"Activate Self-Healing with ONE Simple Step"  Information provided from the description of this video is on YouTube.

"We all have healing power within."  Information provided from the description of this video is on YouTube.

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